Health Care Reform Bill Passed - Will Congress Listen To The communal This Time?
Good evening. Today, I learned about Health Care Reform Bill Passed - Will Congress Listen To The communal This Time?. Which is very helpful to me therefore you. Will Congress Listen To The communal This Time?The House of Representatives escaped Washington earlier in October to go back home and campaign for re-election, thus keeping this legislative body from passing any new bills until after the midterm voting is over. When they return, some fear the lame duck session may try to push something through even though it may be against the will of the population as indicated by the selection results. Others wonder if the next Congress will be caught in gridlock. Believe it or not, this could be good for the country.
What I said. It isn't the conclusion that the actual about Health Care Reform Bill Passed. You look at this article for facts about that need to know is Health Care Reform Bill Passed.Health Care Reform Bill Passed
Our Constitution was written to make it difficult to get things done. The Founding Fathers had a brilliantly straightforward plan in mind. Invent a strong national government that did not usurp the ownership of the states. Protect the citizens while not limiting their rights. Generate a stable and enduring political system. The purposes of the first two goals are apparent, but the latter one can be more subtle yet it is what has allowed the others to survive for more than 200 years.
Framers of the Constitution realized that turn should be slow and deliberate. And that a consensus was the best way to run a stable republic, meaning politicians would not all the time get their way. The communal soon learned that checks and balances would contribute consistency, which was good for the citizenry. History tells us that when the theory swings to far one way it ceases to run effectively.
In essence, gridlock occurs when advocates of turn cannot convenience adequate members of both Houses of Congress to vote on a definite proposal. Even after passage the President must sign the bill or two-thirds of both Houses must agree to over-ride such a veto. That's why compromise is an prominent part of American politicians.
When there is a lack of compromise, it is difficult to pass legislation that supervene in major change. However, the current make-up of Congress allowed one party to dominate and not seek consensus. This allowed bills to be pushed through, together with those unpopular with the electorate, which is why the majority of voters want to repeal condition care reform and alter or stop other legislation. What happens at the polls in November will indicate just how strong population feel about politicians who don't listen to them.
The expiring tax cuts, which were put on hold because the field is a political football, are yet to be addressed. However, the lame duck Congress would be well-served to not try to jam through any legislation. Polls show that 63% of likely voters want Congress to wait until the new members take office before considering new legislation. But 85% of respondents believe the current Congress is very or somewhat likely to try to pass legislation before the newly elected members take over.
Ignoring the will of the population could be bad for the economy, bad for individuals and absolutely bad for politicians. So, New Seniors and all registered voters must be true who they send to Washington. Even if folks don't get all they hoped for, if the representatives do their jobs the way the Constitution suggests we'll all be great off.
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