Begin Saying, adequate Is adequate

Health Care Reform Bill Passed - Begin Saying, adequate Is adequate

Good afternoon. Today, I learned all about Health Care Reform Bill Passed - Begin Saying, adequate Is adequate. Which could be very helpful in my experience and you. Begin Saying, adequate Is adequate

Have you ever said, "Enough," "no more," or more precisely, "Enough is enough?" We are fast approaching a time in history where each of us as individuals needs to begin to utter these words and best yet in unison so they can be heard.

What I said. It just isn't the actual final outcome that the true about Health Care Reform Bill Passed. You see this article for information on an individual wish to know is Health Care Reform Bill Passed.

Health Care Reform Bill Passed

No longer should one segment of our society (everyday citizens) be subjected to the unnecessary burdens and stress that adversely impacts our lives unnecessarily and say little or do nothing about it. Aren't you getting tired of hearing spin and hype that turns out to have no substance in the end? adequate is enough. Wouldn't you agree? What happens is that "our interest" many times is dominated by others' "self interest." We get left behind or are consumed by the process. Why is it that so many citizen are being left behind? Many times it seems society doesn't care about you. Maybe it is time for you to think twice before you go along with what is being presented and take your time to value it properly to see if what is being presented is in your self interest.

Here are a few examples of some major inequities: Remember when you were getting prestige card applications in the mail from banks practically daily and some citizen had more prestige cards then they could fit in their wallets? consumer debt skyrocketed, and many became slaves to the banks providing cost alternatives that take decades to pay off the debt. adequate is enough. Remember all the refinancing incentives to take equity out of your home to help you enounce your lifestyle while causing you to increase the time to repay the debt and reverting back to the starting amortization of your loan where practically all your monthly payments went to interest and very little to essential pay downs and increased your indebtedness. adequate is enough.

Remember the commercials for drugs to cure your everyday need and you don't listen to some of the side effects that should scare you. Have you wondered why there is not more concern about designate drug addiction? adequate is enough. Remember the lenders who would lend you money based on the information you put on your loan application and never checked to verify the truth of information. Remember the cancer treatments that cause you to lose your hair and you don't ask what percentage of citizen survive five years after such treatments. Have you ever wondered about the bureaucracy that would be eliminated if we were to find a cure for one or more major disease? Remember all those vitamin supplements that were found in septic tanks because they never assimilated in your body. Remember how antibiotics were given to treat colds knowing that they don't cure a virus. Have you wondered why obesity, allergies, diabetes, and autism have been on a steady growth in spite of the billions spent in research? Is the public being informed? Remember how the tobacco company heads testified in congress about tobacco addiction. Have you ever wondered why rats in a test went to real food first before the genetically modified food? Remember all the political campaign promises that are made and never kept.

Remember how we bomb another country's city and use our taxpayer money to pay for the bombs and then the rebuilding of the same structures. Do you perceive that the cost of this is about half covered by borrowed money and not even by tax payer money? Really, adequate is enough. Remember those recent mortgage loan packages that were rated the best, and then were found to be worthless. Remember the outrage of illegal aliens coming into the country, but you wonder why the government doesn't regain our borders to stop the flow. Remember the taxpayer money for the bridge to nowhere, and the hundreds if not thousands of other earmarks for absolutely bizarre projects.

The inequities go on and on. All of them have impacted the lives of everyday citizens. I am sure you have hundreds more that you can add to this list. Considered separately I would agree that they may not be a great impact in our society as a whole. However, collectively they may have caused great harm to the well-being of each and every one of us in the Usa and some around the world. Isn't it time to say, "Enough Is Enough!" and make some changes in your life?

As I understand our Constitution, we are a country, of, by, and for the people.... Not the plump few setting policy. Something is wrong with a ideas that is predicated on funding in the hundreds of millions of dollars to get elected or reelected. Something is wrong with a ideas where political parties place so much emphasis on sabotaging the other party's schedule at the cost of the public good. Why not throw the political party ideas in the toilet and let individuals run on their own agenda. This way local, State, and the congressional and senate debates would involve real deliberate upon and not partisan showmanship. adequate is enough.

Our city, state, and federal governments are operating on negative cash flow as we read and hear on a daily basis, and our dissimilar levels of government appear to look again to the everyday citizen to bail them out by cutting back needed programs or creating new tax income instead of cutting back unneeded bureaucracy and wasteful spending. Why aren't more senators willing to speak out openly and often on this? I read where the actual spending cuts on the billion spending Bill that was just passed absolutely amounts to less than billion in actual cuts this year. With a deficit that is going up a trillion dollars, why aren't our representatives getting serious? Why? Isn't it time we hear more from them on helping not just the citizen from their districts (but citizen everywhere), and less on their focus on special interest money for re-election. It should be a total embarrassment to the world that a world superpower like the Usa is one of the world's biggest debtor nations. Isn't there a best way to get us out of this economic dilemma other than printing more money, and creating more government programs that hire more citizen tied to the government? This seems to me to be a stop gap rather than a solution. Have you checked the billions of dollars of government bailout money that went to foreign entities? It's shocking. adequate is enough.

Our dissimilar levels of government do not seem to perceive that the riposte to their financial dilemma is not to suck more money out of individual taxpayers versus reducing their excessive and inefficient spending policies. When they look at spending, it seems the first things we hear from them are the services that personally benefit the tax payers that need to be eliminated. Once again, the explication to the problems may be directed to deprive the everyday citizens of needed services. We do agree that some services need to be cut back or eliminated because they are unneeded or are inefficient. Why not look at the bureaucracy that has been set up around these services? If we don't have the money, how can we expound agency head salaries of 0,000 or more? If we don't have the money, how can we expound pensions paying out over 0,000 a year benefits to government retirees? If we don't have the money how do public union demands for greater salaries get approved? If we don't have the money do we need the boards, commissions, committees, and agencies that pay individuals high payment for services that may be deemed unnecessary?

How can a government provide a defined benefit pension plan to its employees when it does not have the money to fund the benefits? We have a tax ideas that few fully understand. Isn't it time to put the present ideas in a waste basket, and come up with a plan more equitable and more profitable for our country? Why not consider a new tax ideas based on consumption that will comprise more of the 47% who don't pay taxes, and more from the wealthy who consume more, and remove the tax loopholes at the same time. Wouldn't it be great not having to file income tax returns? How can billions of dollars of taxpayer money go unaccountable in many government spending programs? What are we as a nation doing so wrong that results in our prisons keeping the highest amount of inmates over every other country in the world? Why is the cost of housing an inmate in California around three times greater for the same amount of inmates in Texas (A annotation made on radio.)? Speaking about California, why does this State that has twelve percent of the country's citizen have around thirty-two percent of the country's welfare recipients?

As I write this narrative it was announced on the radio that the jobs that many major U.S. Corporations have added over the past year for the most part complex employees face the United States. Could this be true? We continue to have duplicate digit unemployment in many states. The riposte isn't extending unemployment benefits. The riposte is encouraging more company to stay and to come to the Usa, i.e. Tax incentives would be a good start. Remember how the words, "Made in the Usa," meant quality, longevity, good workmanship. The citizen are still here to provide these company benefits. Bring new company back home and the incentives for other foreign fellowships to join the in process. We are one of the largest consumer nations so it is cost productive for products that we use and consume be made in the Usa versus having a greater percentage of them shipped from abroad.

If memory serves me right, I remember in the early days of our country serving the government was not meant to be a full time job. Representatives would enounce their home based source of income and serve their local, State, and Federal government as involved citizens and not full time employees. Now government has evolved into an overly complex bureaucracy filled with inconsistencies, inefficiency, and waste. It appears so complex that individuals don't seem to have the power to make it run right. Have we lost control over our own government? Our elected representatives fill our minds with promises, and then they get caught up in the political grindstone, and those promises just fade away. Is their longevity based on their special interest relationships and many times unnecessary earmarks to satisfy their home constituents? The multitude of earmarks attached to bills being passed straight through congress seem for the most part an unnecessary waste of our taxpayer money. Many times we are talking about hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars for pet projects. We seem to throw away money on unnecessary spending as if we had it to give away. Isn't it time to wake up and stop this flow of waste? adequate is enough.

I perceive that a dollar or a million dollars is nothing compared to a budget that involves trillions of dollars, but it is wrong to make that comparison. Treat each dollar as if it were a trillion dollars and see how that can originate a precedent that others will emulate. How many States now are awaiting federal government subsidies to enounce their solvency? How many counties and cities are waiting for State and Federal grants? Most, if not all. How can some politicians ethically take special interest money or benefits to the detriment of the citizens they represent? We hear about it all the time, but it doesn't stop. Isn't it time to say, "Enough is enough!!!?" Over decades we have allowed government to employ, subsidize, and control too much of our individual lives. The examine now is who has the power to make the essential changes to cut this bureaucracy at all levels to something that is manageable. Other than talk, nobody has absolutely been able to move the power citizen to turn their thinking.

This narrative was not intended to naturally complain about government inequities. fellowships on Wall street and financial institutions have just committed the biggest heist of money in the history of the world that has resulted in people, businesses, and governments thrown into economic stepping back and in some situations utter chaos. Again it is the citizens' money that has bailed some of them out and to date not prosecuted those who knowingly caused the problem. Their actions were blatantly wrong, and still it is still company as usual. How can this happen? How can company ethics be thrown out the window and not have a public outcry? Yes, it has been going on for a long time, but our current economic situation demands that we get rid of those who do not conform to a tasteless code of company ethics that work on millions of people.

I do not feel that the multitude of adversities we are confronting is going to fulfill the 2012 prophesies of doom. On the contrary, it is time that individuals become more pro-active by approaching these imbalances with a clear force by clear action built on sound principles. Widespread clear turn can occur only by citizen like you righting your own ship first. You need to take care of you first. Don't plan on anything bailing you out as it most likely is not going to happen unless you make some needed changes in the way you arrival each day. You may be already saying to yourself that you have already made as many adjustments to your life as inherent so now what? Well, it is time for you to move transmit and begin creating and production some new changes to your life. Never give in to these military that are trying to take you down. We will do our best to be with you as these changes occur in your life by doing and exploring new ways of living. Your liberty is and should always be the focal point of all that you experience. Nobody should own your life.

Here are some major questions that we need answers:

(1) Has government (City, State, Federal) bureaucracy become so big and complex that it no longer can address the needs of its citizens to provide legislation to regain control of fiscal problems, balance its budget, and provide for its citizens? Maybe some of those commissions, boards, committees, and agencies are overstaffed or should be condensed or eliminated. They should not be the feeding ground for politicians who left office due to term limits or were voted out. Government does not need to have its hand in so much of our lives. Unions need to come to grip with the fact that government cannot fund the relinquishment benefits currently in place, and turn from defined benefit plans to defined gift plans. Many know this, but nothing happens and their unfunded pension liability grows and grows because the benefits are grossly exorbitant in some cases. They also need to correlate salaries and make adjustments where required to bring payment back into a balance where we can afford to pay for the services essential to enounce a solid just society.

(2) Have some fellowships in inexpressive commerce become so big that they find it hard to adjust to the needs of the citizens independent of government subsidies? In a free shop company must be able to turn to meet the needs of a changing marketplace. No company should be allowed to be so big that the government is obligated to bail them out over letting them fail. Yet small fellowships are continually being bought out by larger publicly traded fellowships to gain more of their shop share and also to buy the smaller company's earnings. Medium size fellowships seem to have a greater sense of the needs of their shop and are able to make these essential changes to stay competitive. We need a rebirth of small to medium size fellowships who adjust to the marketplace and can remain solvent as the company cycle changes, and have little or no impact if they are not able to survive. Read my blog narrative on the Inverted Pyramid.

(3) We have a presidential selection coming up. Don't you think we need some political reform so that we can elect an individual based on merit and not based on their political treasure chest? Spending a billion dollars in an selection is a misappropriation of money. As I understand it our own consummate Court voted to allow corporations the right to unlimited contributions to fund political campaigns. tasteless sense tells everyone that this is not right. Why not have candidates all work from an equal campaign budget. This might cut the smear advertising that nobody wants to hear, and enable more grand candidates to enter the race. The sad point is that I don't think any of this is not going to turn at this time. Really...Enough is enough.

(4) Since you are caught in this spiral of imbalances that are affecting your life in an adverse way, you absolutely need to make some essential changes in your own life to right your own life back into balance. This means getting yourself out of debt, and developing manifold sources of income. This means cutting back on processed foods and eating fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, grass fed beef, etc., and save money in the process. This means getting out of your chair, breathing some fresh air, and involving your body if you are able. We need to vote for those whom we feel are going to absolutely narrate us at the local, State, and Federal levels in an equitable way. We need to voice our concerns to them when we see a wrong that needs to be made right. They will listen if adequate of us speak out. In the present, turn what you can change, and that is you. Cut the excess out of your life and make yourself strong financially, do the essential things to improve your health that I talk about on this blog and website, turn your plan processes so that you begin to believe in your capability to get control over your life, and surround yourself around citizen who share the same tasteless values and attitude toward a fulfilling life. I am just a simple man who wants a best life for me and my family. Why not everyone work together and become a stronger force to make the essential changes to best our lives.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Health Care Reform Bill Passed. Where you'll be able to offer use in your day-to-day life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Health Care Reform Bill Passed.


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