Health Care Reform Bill Pros And Cons - What Are the Pros and Cons of health Savings Accounts?
Good morning. Today, I found out about Health Care Reform Bill Pros And Cons - What Are the Pros and Cons of health Savings Accounts?. Which is very helpful to me so you. What Are the Pros and Cons of health Savings Accounts?Q: My firm recently began gift a condition Savings inventory (Hsa) available to all the employees. Why are employers throughout New Jersey rolling out these plans? What are the pros and cons of a Hsa?
The problem - Healthcare Costs. If you think rising healthcare costs are only the assurance company's problem or your employer's problem, think again. Most employees pay 10%-90% of their healthcare costs, when all costs are included. All it takes is a quick review of your pay stub over the last few years to see that the assurance associates are passing on addition healthcare costs to employers and employers are passing on these costs to employees. Healthcare costs have risen 8%-10% each year over the last three years and are likely to grow two to three times the rate of inflation for the foreseeable future.
Compounding the problem - New Jersey assurance Laws. Almost every state in the U.S. Can deny individuals coverage straight through the underwriting process. New Jersey is one of only five states in the U.S. That provides for "guaranteed issue" - which guarantees condition coverage, regardless of condition status, age, claims history, or any other risk factor. Although this may be determined a blessing, it is an expensive blessing. Almost by definition, this increases the cost of assurance coverage for everyone in the state to inventory for those who use the benefits most.
The solution - condition Savings Account. Just a quick background on condition Savings inventory (Hsa) and how it works. Established as part of the Medicare designate Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, the Hsa is a hybrid in the middle of condition assurance and a relinquishment plan. The Hsa was established so savings used for considerable healing expenses for yourself, or anyone you claim as a spouse or dependent would be free from taxes. Qualified healing expenses include: healing doctors, dental and optic care, chiropractic care, long-term care, and Medicare Part A or Part B and Medicare Hmo assurance premiums. Unqualified healing expenses include: cosmetic surgery, condition club dues, nonprescription drugs and medicines and funeral expenses.
A gift to a Hsa is only permitted if the condition assurance accompanying it has a deductible (your out of pocket expense) of at least ,100 for personel coverage or ,200 for family coverage. The current gift limit per year is ,850 for personel coverage or ,650 for family coverage. Those 55 and older can contribute an added 0 in 2007.
Contributions are all pre-tax, a gigantic advantage for those seeking tax breaks. If the savings are used for considerable healing expenses, the entire estimate can be withdrawn free of taxes. Yes - that is right, free of taxes. If the savings are used for other purposes, the relinquishment is taxed as revenue and accessed a 10% penalty (if under the age of 65). At age 65, when Medicare begins, withdrawals are only taxed as revenue at your then tax rate. All interest, gains and dividends in a Hsa are sheltered from taxation - allowing all revenue to combination on a tax-advantaged basis.
Unused balances can be rolled over from year to year. Many employees view the Hsa as a relinquishment plan - providing them a tax-advantaged way to save for relinquishment above and beyond their 401(k) and their personel relinquishment inventory (Ira).
A Win for Employees, Employers and Insurers. Because the Hsa is based on a high deductible assurance plan the employee takes on a higher level of accountability and risk for healing expenses than a customary assurance policy. Employees who run their family to the doctor office every time someone has the sniffles (because the visit only costs them , while the assurance firm pays the remaining under a customary plan) will think twice when they pay the full out of their own pocket under a Hsa.
That said, those out of pocket costs are all with pre-tax dollars that were contributed to the Hsa. By utilizing a Hsa employers can cut their premium costs by as much as 50%, passing most or all of those savings directly to the employees. Many employers, particularly in "guarantee issue" states like New Jersey, are implementing a Has based on these benefits.
Action Steps - Implement a condition Savings Account. Implement a Hsa for your firm or ask your manager to implement one. With condition care costs addition faster than wage increases, employees are bearing more and more of the cost burden. A Hsa provides a pre-tax means to contribute towards an inventory that will grow over time, with the option to use the money for healing expenses on a tax-free basis or for any purpose in relinquishment on a penalty free basis. Implementing a Hsa saves money for all those involved and forces employees to be more responsible with their own savings.
While the healthcare problem is not going away soon, the Hsa provides one considerable tool to combat the problem. When it comes to important employee benefits, speak with a licensed financial expert before manufacture irreversible decisions that may haunt you for years to come.
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